Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery

Mr. Eric Phillips » Mr. Phillips - Math 6/Math Counts

Mr. Phillips - Math 6/Math Counts

Hi. I'm Eric Phillips and I teach 6th grade math at Hyde Park Middle School.  Additionally, I am the Hyde Park MathCounts coach and JV Quiz coach.   The 2024/2025 school year will be my 12th at Hyde Park and my 28th in CCSD.  I am dedicated to working hard to ensure success for all students.  I am flexible and willing to work to meet the individual needs of my students to make sure that they experience success in my math class. Please contact me with any questions, concerns or comments. Thank you.
[email protected]




Can you please assist your child in creating an account on AoPS.com?  They will need an email associated with the account that is not a CCSD email (this can be your email).  They will also need to create a User Name (not their actual name).  You will also create a password for the account (saving this password in your phone notes might be a good idea). If they register using their own birthday, you will need to respond to an email to verify their account.  Or you may opt to create the account yourself (using your birthday), this would allow them immediate access to the account without extra verification. 
This website will allow for your child to practice advanced problem solving strategies and grow as a mathematician!   The site has many supplemental resources for advancement in mathematics practices.
Please email me if you have and questions or concerns.
Eric Phillips