Hyde Park's First Friday We will be starting our "First Friday" activity schedule this week. The "First Friday" program gives students an opportunity to take a period long course once a month that provides enrichment to their regular curriculum. Students will attend all classes with an activity period at the end of the day.
Hyde Park Students Excel at Math Test On 11-18-14 approximately 550 students from HPMS participated in a national math competition called the AMC8. There were over 2000 middle schools and 130,000 students who competed worldwide in this competition. Hyde Park was one of only 9 middle schools in the United States to earn a perfect school score! This has never been accomplished in HPMS history. Hyde Park also had 3 students earn a perfect individual score which has also never been done before. Congratulations to all of the Panthers that performed so well.
Parent Students Teacher Academic Planning Time (PSTAPT) Survey The staff and administration would like to thank everyone that took part in PSTAPT conferences on Wednesday, December 10th. To assist us as we plan for conferences next year we would like you to complete a short survey. Please click on this article to access the survey link. Thank you.
Two Hyde Park Spellers go to State!!! Congratulations to Sophia Adams and Eshaan Vakil for advancing to the state finals for the spelling bee. We wish both of these Panthers Good Luck in the state competition.
Hyde Park Middle School Toy and Food Drive HPMS Hosts Holiday Food and Toy Drive From December 4 through December 18, Hyde Park will be participating in a Holiday Food and Toy Drive. Students are encouraged to bring NEW Unwrapped toys and nonperishable food items to their 3rd period classrooms. The class that donates the most items of food AND the class that donates the most toys will receive a doughnut party in January. Donated toys will benefit The Burn Foundation and food will go to Three Square. Thank you for your support.
Watch DOGS is coming to Hyde Park Hyde Park will be establishing an official Watch D.O.G.S. chapter here at the school. The goal of Watch D.O.G.S. is to provide for positive male role models in the lives of our students. Please take a look at the Watch D.O.G.S. webpage, located under the Parents tab of the Hyde Park website as we develop our program and join us for our pizza night kickoff on December 4th.
Classroom Visitors For the safety and security of all students and staff members, visitors are reminded that they must check-in at the main office and obtain a visitors badge before visiting any classrooms. This includes before and after school. Should you have any questions, please contact the main office at, 702-799-4260.
CCSD Campus Portal To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web based system. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Demographics, Schedules, Assignments, Assessment Scores, Calendar, Grades, Attendance, Graduation Progress, Academic Planner, To Do List, Reports, District and School Notices.
After School Student Pick-up Attention parents, Hyde Park was approached by the Las Vegas Fire and Rescue Department regarding vehicles being parked in front of the fire station on Hinson Street, just southwest of the school. When picking your student(s) up, please do not block the driveway to the fire station as this prevents rescue personnel from responding to emergency calls. Las Vegas Fire and Rescue will be contacting Metro Police to ticket and tow violators. The Fire Department works very well with us here ay Hyde Park and we would like to keep the partnership strong.