Hyde Park Students Gain More Victories Hyde Park students recently competed throughout California, Nevada, and Utah winning in all locations. Orchestra - was the first place performance group at a National Invitation only competition held in Salt Lake City. Math Counts - Won the state championship and had 3 of the top 4 students in the state and will be competing at the Math Counts Nationals in Boston, MA. Guitar - Won first place at Music in the Parks in Anaheim, CA Band - Won first place at Music in the Parks in Anaheim, CA Bridge Building Team - Won first place at the UNLV Bridge Building competition for all CCSD Middle Schools
Early Release of Students Effective immediately Hyde Park staff will not be able to process early releases of students the last 30 minutes of the school day. Parents/Guardians wishing to pick their student up early from school must do so prior to 1:30 p.m. Parent/Guardian(s) will still need to provide proper identification and sign their student out from the main office.
Attention 8th Grade Students Attention 8th graders: If you are disciplined in the deans' office during the 2nd semester, you will not be able to participate in any 8th grade activities, which include but not limited to; the 8th grade field trip, 8th grade dance, 8th grade BBQ, etc. There will be no refunds either.
vex Robotics Headed to Nationals The Hyde Park Middle School VEX and VEX IQ Teams had a State Tournament recently at Sierra Vista High School. We had to compete against 5 other middle school teams and 35 high school teams. Hyde Park Middle School had 2 excellence award winning teams who are tops in the State of Nevada and going to the World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky on April 16-18, 2015. Hyde Park won A total of 14 awards at the state tournament besting all of the other Middle Schools.
A GREAT Weekend for Hyde Park Students Congratulations to the following groups for their performance at various competitions during the weekend of March 13 - 15th. Ms. Kraus and Mr. Hill's students won the Nevada State Science Olympiad Championship for the 12th year in a row and will compete in Nationals in Nebraska. 7th grader E. Vakil from Ms. Manning's US History class will be competing at the National History Bee Finals in May as well as the International History Olympiad in Virginia this summer. Students from Ms. Simon's Future City's classes won first and second place in The House of Cards Civil Engineering Competition held at Northwest Career and Technical Academy. GREAT day to be a PANTHER!!!!
HPMS Cheer Debuts with a Second Place Award Our cheer team participated this past weekend at the Middle School Classic Cheer Competition hosted by Green Valley High School. The girls worked so hard leading up to this competition, and earned a second place in Show Cheer Novice! If you know any of the cheerleaders, you know how much this meant to them. We are very proud of them!
Hyde Park wins Regional Science Bowl Congratulations to Mrs. Wetjen and her Science Bowl students. Their team won the Regional Science Bowl competition last weekend and now heads for the national finals. Additionally, two other teams from Hyde Park took 2nd place and 7th places respectively. The Hyde Park team is one of more than 100 around the nation in the competition. Click the link within this story to see the local media coverage provided by Channel 13.
Student Course Selction Available Student and Parent approval of course selection is now available through Infinite Campus' Parent Portal. To review and approve your students course selections for the 2015 - 2016, school year, please access campus portal from a computer. Academic plans cannot be accessed through the mobile app. Attached is a document to assist with the process. Only the parent access can approve a course plan. Core academic subjects have been selected by current teachers and are locked at this time. Parents/Guardians in need of their parent portal login should contact Mr. Scott White in the front office.
We WANT your old smart phones!!!!!! If your desk or dresser drawers are cluttered with old smart phones, please consider donating them to Hyde Park Middle School. Once you have transferred your cell phone account to your newest smart phone the device is still usable with access to wi-fi. We do ask that you provide a charger if possible and that you reset the device to the factory settings which will erase all pictures, music and any other previously stored personal information. The school will be providing the devices to classrooms that are in need of the technology. Donations can be dropped off to the front office in care of Mr. Taylor.
Student Report Cards Hyde Park students were given their first semester report cards today, February 2nd. Hyde Park counselors will be providing a treat to students with all A's and B's (semester grade) as well as all O's in citizenship on Tuesday, February 3rd during all three lunches.