Hyde Park MS Panther Cub Cheer Camp Hyde Park Middle School invites you to join the cheerleaders at a youth clinic! Come learn cheer motions, dance moves and jumps. Participants will receive a t-shirt and be invited to perform at the halftime of our Boys’ Basketball game against Rogich Middle School on February 9th.Click on the attachment for details.
8th Grade Disneyland Trip Information Attention 8th grade students and parents. Please click on the attachment in this link for important information for the annual 8th grade field trip to Disneyland. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Heilman in room 208 or Mrs. Karch in room 204.
Hyde Park Parent Carpool Information Carpool Request Form is Now Available on the HPMS website Parents seeking to carpool their children to and/or from school are encouraged to fill out this form. Information is kept confidential. Parents will be contacted when matches become available. Hyde Park and the CCSD are not providing the transportation. This link is solely for attempting to match families up with other families that can assist. Hyde Park MS staff will not establish any routes, times, or car pools. Each parent must establish and ensure that all transportation is done safely and by a licensed and insured driver. More information is available under the Parents tab of the website. http://goo.gl/forms/MtYmaVHnQJ
Magnet Applications PLEASE NOTE: If you applied to a magnet school or CTA on November 17 or 18, please reapply and/or recreate your account. CCSD experienced a loss of data during that time. If you need assistance, please contact your first choice school or the Magnet/CTA Department. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If Hyde Park Academy is your first choice school, please contact us at 702-799-4260, and we will check for your application and facilitate the process. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Romo does The Ice Bucket Challenge for Re-tweets Watch Ms. Romo do the Ice Bucket Challenge as the first milestone in the HPMS re-tweetathon. Click on this tsory for the video and don't forget to vote via Facebook on Friday, November 20th. #VoteHydeParkk #VoteHPMS
Hyde Park Celebrates College week In an effort to get students thinking about college, Hyde Park will be celebrating College Week on 10/12-10/16/15. Below is the list of activities our counselors have planned each day this week. MONDAY: Teacher Signs and College Gear. TUESDAY: Professional Dress Day! We’re encouraging all staff and students to dress up and get a feel for what a lot of people in the work world are required to do. WEDNESDAY: College Gear Day- Wear your college attire and encourage students to do the same. Treats will be given to classes with the most college gear THURSDAY: Radio station 97.5 will be on campus to play music for the students during all lunches. FRIDAY: The culmination of a wonderful week. Today is HAT DAY! Students and staff will be allowed and encouraged to wear hats, as long as they are from a college, university or post secondary option. Hats must be removed in class and at teacher discretion. Students and teachers are encouraged to wear college gear all week.
Mr. Lawrence is named a Math Hero!!!!! Mr. Brandon Lawrence was recently selected by the Raytheon corporation as one of 25 nationwide recipients to be recognized as a “Math Hero.” Mr. Lawrence has been the advisor and coach for the Hyde Park MathCounts team for 12 years. In addition, he has been the coach for the Nevada state team for the last seven consecutive years. Under Mr. Lawrence’s leadership, the Nevada state team was named Most Improved Team in the country at the National MathCounts Competitions in 2014 and 2015. This national honor includes a check for $2500.00 for Mr. Lawrence, as well as a $2500.00 matching check for the Hyde Park Middle School math program.
New After School Club Good afternoon parents. A new club, the After School All Stars, is starting on Tuesdays. This club is designed to help 6th and 7th graders become acclimated to middle school life. The club will focus on making positive choices, goal setting, making friends, and having fun! The After School All Stars is free to all and meets in room 206 every Tuesday from 2:01-3:30 p.m. A late bus is available. Thank you!
After school Activities Attached is a listing of current after school activities being held at Hyde Park MS. This list does not include individual tutoring or homework help sessions. All students attending after school activities must be picked up by 3:30 p.m. or know their late bus route and be eligible for riding the late bus based on CCSD transportation guidelines.
Hyde Park Spirit Shirts are For Sale!!!! Time is running out to get your Hyde Park spirit gear! The last day to order is Wednesday, September 16th. Class t-shirts are $10 and Hyde Park hoodies are $25. Students can purchase them during all three lunches or in room 208.