Future for Kids Community Input Process We are pleased to share the results of our Focus on the Future for Kids Community Input Process with you, including community themes and the community-informed spending priorities for the $777M American Rescue Plan funds.
CCSD and Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) Contact Tracing Information The attached flyer will help provide information from the CCSD and SNHD about Covid-19 contact tracing.
Hyde Park MS Virtual Open House Videos Parents,Please use the following link to view brief Open House videos of your child's Hyde Park teachers. If you have further questions, please feel free to email the teachers directly using the email address provided in each video or found within the hydeparkms.org directory.Thank you.
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Plan Meeting Attention Hyde Park Families:Hyde Park will be holding two planning sessions for the writing of our Parent and Family Engagement Policy, which is one of our required Title I components. This policy will help to develop a plan to engage our parents and families and for the school and the families to work together for the success of all students in our building. These meetings will be held virtually. Session 1 will be held on Wednesday, 9/15 from 10:00 am to 10:30 am and can be accessed using this Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/wdg-kwme-qqoSession 2 will be held on Tuesday, 9/21, from 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm and can be accessed using this Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/weq-uhfb-qafThank you and we look forward to working together to create an inviting environment for our school community.
Flag Football Tryouts The following students are eligible to try out for Flag Football based on completing the necessary documents. Boys1139381813262131389802123075936823361202450612320516113832991139114812317680113890671219933012023780113982991137333812098213120977451204050411389235122061361238629112355144120657201207313213231071364904Girls 120537141211547512010504212113876120158551135495313779361215927
Hyde Park 2021-2022 School Organization Team Nominations Parents, if you are interested in running for a seat on 2021-2022, SOT for Hyde Park, please click this link to add your name to the list. Parents have until September 13th, to add their name for consideration to the SOT. Voting will be held from Sept. 13 - 17th. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kIT4hcStVVcwuvpZlRnut7F4VXC46Y-gLHgqfFwqAqY/edit
Schedule Change Request Any student that is requesting a schedule change must complete the google form attached. Schedule changes are not guaranteed and changes will not be done to switch teachers or lunches. Click this story to be directed to the schedule change form.
Chromebook Check-out All students will be issued a CCSD Chromebook for use during the 2021-2022, school year. We will begin passing out Chromebooks on Tuesday, August 10th at 7:30 am. Students must have a completed mobile device agreement and a backpack to safely transport their device. Please print out the attached form or get it from the packet of papers your student was provided in 6th-period.
School Drop-Off Information Please click on the attachment for information on school drop-off procedures. Please remember to obey posted school zone speed limits, do not stop in the crosswalk, and when traffic has stopped allow your student to exit the vehicle and walk to the front gates. Please be patient with all students, staff, and other drivers.
MAPs Testing Schedule All students will be taking their first MAPs tests on Tuesday, August 31st, and Thursday, September 2nd, during zero-hour. We will be on a modified bell schedule those two days Please be sure your student has a good breakfast and brings their school-issued Chromebook fully charged on those two days.