Virtual Science Night Join us for a fun evening of science and experimentation, hosted virtually by Mr. Burton and Mr. Galardy.
New Hours for Hyde Park Food Distribution Attention Panther Families,Starting Monday, March 1st, Hyde Park will be providing food service from 7:00 am - 11:00 am Monday - Friday with the exception of school holidays. Our food service will no longer be open until 1:00 pm. Please continue to utilize this fantastic service daily from 7:00 am - 11:00 am at the front of the school starting Monday, March 1st.
CCSD to return to Hybrid Learning I hope this message finds you all doing well. As you may have heard, CCSD will be transitioning to a Hybrid Instructional Model for 6th graders starting on March 22nd and 7th and 8th graders on April 6. We are still receiving guidance on how our plan can be created to best meet the needs of our students, staff, and community. Once we have more definitive information it will be shared with you. Thank you for your continued patience and support while we transition to a Hybrid Model.Anna BelknapPrincipal
Upcoming Financial Literacy Events The Nevada Treasurer's Office is partnering with Nevada GEAR UP to provide students and families with workshops in both English and Spanish to increase their understanding of financial literacy and the financial aid process. Both workshops will take place next week at 6:00 pm, in English on February 24th, and in Spanish on February 25th.La Oficina del Tesorero de Nevada se está asociando con Nevada GEAR UP para proporcionar a los estudiantes y familias talleres en inglés y español para aumentar su comprensión de la educación financiera y el proceso de ayuda financiera.Ambos talleres se llevarán a cabo la próxima semana a las 6:00 pm, en inglés el 24 de febrero y en español el 25 de febrero.
HPMS E-Cybermission Student Website If you’ve ever experienced getting your walls dented, you know the pain and struggle of having to try and fix it. The Dent Stoppers, (Ehibor Moseri, Kate Manaj, and Jaclyn Tran) all knew first-hand what it was like to have dents. So, they decided that in this project, their goal was to find a way to stop wall dents. The Dent Stoppers created a website to explain their experiment process for a science project Ecybermission.
New Camera Policy for Distance Education Please see the attached letter from Mrs. Belknap, Principal in regards to a policy change for our students taking part in Distance Education. As a school, we feel as distance education continues it is essential that we know our students are engaged in their direct instruction and therefore that is why we are requiring our students to now turn their cameras on during direct instruction with their teachers. Students will be able to use any of the available backgrounds or blurring technology available through Google Meet. Parents who do not want their child to turn on their camera must email Mr. Taylor or any member of the administration from their email of record stating they would like their student to opt-out. If you have any questions regarding this policy change, please email any member of the school administration.
New After-School Activiteis We have 2 new after-school activities that are starting here at Hyde Park. Virtual Homework ClubIs canvas making you blue? Is google classroom confusing? If so we can help. We will have a homework club every Thursday (except holidays of course) from 3:15- 4:15. We will explain how to use canvas and even help you with your assignments if you get confused. In this age of virtual learning, it's important that we all help each other learn in the best ways possible. If you have questions, please email Mr. Burton at [email protected]Art Club members experience and explore new media and practice techniques to create their own original artwork and exchange creative ideas. The art club is a great place to make new friends and develop creativity in a fun supportive atmosphere. We will be working with abstract art, portraits, and anything you want to explore. Purpose: Art Club provides an opportunity for interested students to meet after school to work on special art projects and share art experiences with their peers. How to Join: Email Ms. Morrison at [email protected]
School Meals All children in Clark County are eligible for free meals at the Hyde Park cafeteria, daily from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at the front of the school. Please follow social distancing safety protocols. Masks are required for pick up.
Second Semester Starts Today Today is the first day of Semester 2 and period 1 and 3 live day schedule. Student schedules are available in Infinite Campus and all classes will begin in Canvas. Students may need to search All Courses in Canvas to find second-semester classes as they are all new course numbers. See the “CCSD Digital Learning Login Instructions” attached below for detailed instructions.If you forgot your login or password, you can reset it at
Winter Break The last day of the first semester is Friday, December 18. The Hyde Park MS campus will remain closed through January 15, per the Governors Stay at Home order. All teachers and counselors will be on winter break from December 21, until January 4, 2021. The main school phone number will be monitored December 21-23 & 28-31, 7 AM - 3 PM.The second semester of the 2020-2021 school year will begin on Monday, January 4, 2021. The students will continue with the distance learning format, and will continue to follow the same virtual bell schedule as Semester 1. Students will be able to access their class schedules in their Infinite Campus accounts and classes in Canvas by January 4.