Vote for the HPMS Cafeteria CCSD Food Services is holding a competition this week for National School Unch Week. Be sure to go to and Click Like on the Hyde Park Photo and then share it with all your Friends on Facebook.
Title I Parent Informational Meeting We will be holding a virtual Title I Parent Information Meeting on Friday, October 16th at 9:10 a.m. for any parents who would like to attend. Topics covered will be the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Parents Right to Know, Hyde Park's Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the Title I budget information. The meeting will start promptly at 9:10 and should last about 20 minutes. All attendees will be asked to complete a parent evaluation form based on the presentation per Title I requirements.The link for the meeting is:
Hyde Park's 1st-ever Home Door Decorating Contest PANTHER PRIDE DOOR DECORATING CONTESTGet parent permission first!Decorate any one door in your house. Use items around your house to enhance your decoration.Door submissions should be sent to Mr. Jacobs at [email protected] by September 21st.Theme: Panther PridePrizes will be given for the following categories:Most uniqueMost creativeBest overall.Prizes will be mailed home.All doors submitted will be featured on the morning announcements.
Week of Respect Spirit Week Monday, October 5th: Masks are for Monday. Students should wear their favorite mask or face covering to their google meets.Tuesday, October 6th: Respect never goes to sleep. Students should wear their favorite pajamas for their google meet sessions.Wednesday, October 7th: Being kind and keeping the peace is easy. Students should wear Be Kind shirts or their favorite peace (tiedye) clothing items to show they support being kind and peaceful in their google meet sessions.Thursday, October 8th:Hats off for Respect. Students should wear their favorite hat for their google meet session to show they respect everyone!Friday, October 9th: Panther pride. Students should wear Panther Pride clothing to show their “virtual” Panther pride for the week of respect!! *Remember- all items to be school appropriate and all school dress code rules still apply
GoGuardian Questions and Answers The following message is courtesy of the Nevada PTA. They are hosting this free and informative event.We know many parents have questions regarding GoGuardian, especially CCSD families and reached out to set up these events to provide parents with answers. Join us and our partner GoGuardian to learn how CCSD's teachers use their tools to keep students safe and on task during distance learning. GoGuardian will also cover their approach to student data privacy and hold a follow-up session for questions. Sign up below to attend the zoom events!Parent Training Tuesday, 10/6 at 4pm Session Thursday, 10/8 at 4pm
CCSD Student Health Cards and Medical Information Health Services has created an electronic version of the Student Health Information form. Due to COVID-19 the health office will not be sending out paper copies. It is important for the health office and school nurse to be aware of any health concerns your student has or any health changes. Please click on the provided link to complete the survey. Thank you. Sevicios De Salud ha creado una versión electrónica del formulario de Información de salud del estudiante. Debido a COVID-19, la oficina de salud no enviará copias en papel. Es importante que la oficina de salud y la enfermera de la escuela estén al tanto de cualquier problema de salud que tenga su estudiante o cualquier cambio de salud. Por favor complete la encuesta abriendo el enlace proporcionado. Spanish
MAPS Testing Information MAP testing begins for all math classes this week at Hyde Park. The MAP test can be accessed at Your teacher has posted the session name and access PIN on your Canvas page. If you have any issues, please email your teacher directly. You can also use the links to these provided resources for help.
Hyde Park Student Member of the SOT Nominations If you are interested in serving as the student representative for the Hyde Park Middle School Organizational Team (SOT), please complete the following form. SOT meetings will occur a minimum of once per month, outside of the school day, and attendance is required. This is a great opportunity to provide leadership and guidance for our school! Finalists will be asked to provide a brief video message to be played during our mentorship classes, so all students have a chance to vote. Good luck!
2020-2021 School Organization Team Ballots Please click on each of the links to vote for the parent and student members of the 2020 - 2021, school year SOT. Only student accounts will be available to vote for the student representative.
Hyde Park SOT Meeting and Elections Please see the attached flyer for information about being on the Hyde Park MS, School Organization Team (SOY). If you are interested in running for a position on the SOT, please complete the Googl Form.